Call Centre management development solutions














These programmes will develop over time, in response to changing business requirements and priorities.

Few of these modules are relevant to all the managerial roles on Comms Centre operations. They are provided as a modular "pick and mix" solution to cover all management competencies within the role of operation manager or call centre manager.

The written descriptions of the objectives and content of each module are generic at this stage. The actual delivery of the modules will be adapted in response to the requirements and skill levels of the different role and training groups.
Click here to review a sample module from a similar training programme.

 Orientation and introductory courses

 Orientation to Comms Centre and Role

 Setup of Operations

 Operations Strand

 HR and Training Strand

 IT and Telecomms Strand

 Simulation and Launch Strand

 Ongoing Management Strand

 Client Relationship Management Strand

 Financial Management

 Team Building & People Management

 Advanced Management Skills



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Subject area 0: Orientation and introductory courses

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


New starters introduction week from the Welcome Team

To integrate new starters into the social, cultural and service aspects of The Merchants Group

Orientation to the development programme

Presentation of the job information pack

Introduction to the team


Merchants Corporate Foundation Course

Introduction to the vision, values, history, strategy and service offerings of The Merchants Group

Strategic intent

Service offerings

Foundation stones

Personal effectiveness


MHW Corporate Foundation

As above but for existing staff

As above but for existing staff


Orientation to the programme for existing team members

To introduce existing team members to all aspects of the training programme



Skills assessments

Accreditation process

Roles and responsibilities

Time commitment and schedule

Balancing delivery/development

Links to career development and remuneration


Learning to learn

To provide an understanding of personal learning styles and those of others

How to match learning inputs and style

How to organise personal time during the programme


Skills Matrices and PDP completion

To complete skills matrices relevant to role

To create individual personal development plans

Skills matrices completion

Personal development plan completion






Subject area 1: Orientation to Comms Centre and Role

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Comms Centre orientation

To give an overview and understanding of the part of the business delegates are working within, also to review their understanding of this area

Reference to MHW material from Merchants Foundation Course

Emphasis of key points about the Comms Centre

Primarily interactive session


Comms Centre structure and roles

To give an overview of the structure and roles within the Merchants Comms Centres

Structures for:

– Merchants Ireland

– CC generic

– CC Ireland


– Operations

Description of key roles


The SOM and OM roles

To give a detailed understanding of the two operational management roles

Primary responsibilities and deliverables

Merchants and client expectations of each role

Differences between the roles

How they work together



To give a detailed understanding of:

– the growth of the call centre industry and call centre outsourcing markets

– why companies outsource to Merchants

– the outsourced solutions delivered in response to clients’ commercial needs and how they are formulated

Market overview

In-house vs outsource

The competition

Critical success factors

How Merchants is perceived

Do’s and don’ts when selling our services

Case histories

– Microsoft

– Xerox XPS

– Barclaycard/Cellnet

– Tektronix


Structure and role briefing

To brief delegates on the organisational structure of the Comms Centre

To brief delegates on the accountabilities of each role

Comms Centre structure

Job descriptions


Subject area 2: Setup of Operations

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Introduction to the Managing Consultant

To introduce the role and how to interface with it

Responsibilities of the role

How MCs and operations teams work together

Policies, processes and procedures

Regular points of contact


Sales process

To brief delegates on the Merchants sales process







Setup methodology

By the end of this session delegates will have an understanding of:

– the steps and activities involved in setting up a new operation

– the delivery strand concept and what each strand covers

– use of project plans to manage dependencies and schedules

– what the deliverables are for each strand

– who is responsible for producing which deliverables in which strand

Orientation to setup

Process flows – context

Practical exercise – strand setup

Purpose of a project plan

Project plans – production

Practical exercise – project planning

Understanding deliverables

The four types of deliverable

Deliverables by strand


Effective client briefing

For delegates to know:

- The process followed by a project manager in

order to formally and contractually agree with a client the brief for a new Comms Centre operation

- How to prepare for, run and document briefing meetings with clients

What it is and when it happens

Who is responsible for what

How to do it – context

Practical exercise

How to do it – the process

How to do it – preparation

How to do it – taking a brief

Practical exercise

How to do it – writing the brief

How to do it – confirming the brief


Subject area 3: Operations Strand

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Orientation to operations strand

For delegates to have an understanding of the components of the operations strand within the setup of a new operation

What it is and when it happens

The strand process

Dependencies with other strands

Skills areas from skills matrices


Performance management

For delegates to:

- Understand the role and importance of performance management in the Merchants Comms Centre environment, focusing on goaling, SLAs, KPIs and MIS

- Know how these are developed and why

- Know what to expect in the area of performance management and MIS when taking on a new operation

Definitions of performance management, SLAs, KPIs, goals, targets and MIS

Importance of the above

Example MIS flow

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid


Industry regulations

To brief delegates on the Direct Marketing Association Guidelines and the British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion

DMA guideline key points related to:

– telephone marketing

– power and predictive diallers

– call monitoring/listening in

– customer service

– data protection

BCAP relevance to Comms Centre activity


Subject area 3: Operations Strand (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Introduction to the Floor Manager

To introduce the role and how to interface with it

Responsibilities of the role

What the floor manager can do for managers of Comms Centre operations

What the floor manager requires from managers of Comms Centre operations

Policies, processes and procedures

Regular points of contact


Business processes

For delegates to understand the principles and practice of business process design

To be confirmed, likely to include:

– material from 1997 training on this subject

– use of MacFlow


Effective script writing

For delegates to understand the principles and practice of writing effective scripts

To be confirmed after review of existing materials



For delegates to understand how to:

- Roster and develop shift plans for inbound operations

- Capacity plan for outbound operations

To be confirmed after review of any existing or external materials


Subject area 4: HR and Training Strand

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Orientation to HR and training strand

For delegates to have:

- An understanding of the components of the HR and training strand within the setup of an operation

- An understanding of the skills required within the operations team when working within this strand and/or interfacing with HR during setup

What it is and when it happens

The strand process

Dependencies with other strands

Skill areas from skills matrices

Who does what in this strand, across the operations, HR and training teams


Introduction to the TC Network

To ensure that delegates understand how the Telebusiness Communicator (TC) network levels operate and can use the system effectively

Definition of the TC network

The five levels and why we have them

How they are used

TC accreditations process

Example career path

Salary levels (to be added when updated)

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid


Operations Training delivery

For delegates to:

- Understand the purpose of operations trainings in the Merchants environment

- Understand how to ensure that operations trainings are effective

What, when, who and why


Operations training content

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid


Subject area 5: IT and Telecomms Strand

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Orientation to the IT and Telecomms strand

To brief on dependencies for this strand, skill areas and responsibilities

What it is and when it happens

The strand process

Dependencies on other strands

Skill areas from skills matrices


Merchants IT - An introduction

To brief on the technological capabilities in the Comms Centre, now and in the future

Overview of Merchants technologies

Corporate systems and infrastructure

The basics of call centre technology

Comms centre:

-technical overview

-importance of IT

-technologies available

Merchants future technologies


Introduction to ADT and the system development process

To brief on what ADT does and how databases are developed in Merchants

ADT manager responsibilities

Members of ADT

What the ADT manager and team can do for managers of Comms centre operations

What ADT requires from managers of Comms Centre operations

The system development process

Policies, processes and procedures

Change control


Interfacing with ADT and IT support after launch

To brief on how to interface with this team during setup and after

Policies, processes, procedures

What works

What does not work


4D user skills

To provide delegates with an overview of how Merchants develop and implement our in-house database solutions

To provide delegates with a practical knowledge of how to use a 4D database

Relational databases

Database structures

Field formats

Example functionality

User guides

Subject area 5: IT and Telecomms Strand (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


ACD user skills

Delegates will:

- Understand the workings of the Merchants ACD system

- Have the ability to produce CMS statistics

Vectors, VDNs, skills


Log ins

CMS reporting systems and how to read them


Mac software

Delegates will have a basic competency to use:

- Apple Mac

- Microsoft Word

- Microsoft Excel

- PowerPoint

Windows, mouse, etc.

Word (contact reports)

Excel (roll-outs and capacity spreadsheets)

PowerPoint (standard presentation format)


Subject area 6: Simulation and Launch Strand

Module number




Content Summary


Simulation of new operations

To provide delegates with a top-line understanding of how to design, set up and run simulations for Merchants operations

To provide practical guidance on how to ensure that simulations are a success

What it is, when it happens and why

The strand process

Resources required

What is tested and how


Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid


The launch phase

For delegates to have:

-An understanding of the experience of -launching a new Comms Centre operation

-An understanding of the typical issues that -will arise during the launch phase and the most appropriate areas of focus

Four stages in the life cycle of an operation

The nature of "go live"

The nature of the launch phase

Launch phase areas of focus

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



Subject area 7: Ongoing Management Strand

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Orientation to ongoing management

For delegates to have:

-An understanding of how an operation develops over time and what should be focused on by managers

-9;An overview of the skills required for successful ongoing management of an operation

What it is and when it happens

The main challenges to managers during ongoing management

Theories of group dynamics over time

Skill areas from skills matrices



For delegates to have an understanding of how to identify when their team are not meeting their targets

What it is, when to do it and why

Tally sheet and roll-out design principles

How to monitor (inbound and outbound)

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



For delegates to have:

-An understanding of how to identify the causes behind team and individual shortfalls against targets and objectives

-An understanding of how to establish the best way to deal with any such issues

What it is, when to do it and who should do it

Principles of trouble-shooting


Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



Subject area 7: Ongoing Management Strand (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Grievance and disciplinary procedures

For delegates to have a working understanding of the grievance and disciplinary procedures

For delegates to be able to initiate preliminary disciplinary procedures

What is a grievance

How to deal with a grievance

The types of disciplinary

Who manages disciplinary processes

The stages of the disciplinary process


Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid


Introduction to HR MIS

To introduce the role and how to interface with it

Responsibilities of the role

What HR MIS can do for managers of Comms Centre operations

What HR MIS require from managers of Comms Centre operations

Policies, processes and procedures

Regular points of contact


Comms Centre guidelines

To review the guidelines and establish a common understanding of what they mean in practice

What the guidelines cover

Discussion on how the guidelines can be implemented in practice


Quality standards

For delegates to understand:

-The reasons why quality standards are important in the Merchants Comms Centre environment

-The type of quality standards in place, plus specific standards, if they are for the whole Comms Centre rather than operation specific

-The ways in which quality is managed

The importance of quality standards

How to manage call quality

How to manage data quality

How to manage client information quality

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid




Subject area 8: Client Relationship Management Strand

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Orientation to client relationship management

For delegates to understand:

-The differences between working in an in-house call centre and working in a client focused environment

-How Merchants' Comms Centre differs from other outsource companies/telebusiness agencies

The differences in working in an in-house and outsourced call centre

Hints and tips

Primarily an interactive session


Elements of project management

To give an understanding of what project management is in a generic, rather than role related context

To have delegates understand how project management is implemented within Merchants

To give an overview of the skills required of project managers in Merchants

What it is

The nine elements of project management

The importance of positioning

Skills from skills matrix


Risk management

To give an understanding of the type of risks delegates may run into on their operations

To improve trainee ability to:

– identify risk

– manage it

To help identify the most powerful stance delegates can take personally in managing risk

What it is and why do it

Typical risks for Comms Centre operations

Managing risk

Stance in relation to risk

Practical exercise


Change control

To give an understanding of the purpose of change control

To give an understanding of how to implement change control

To provide hints and tips for the successful implementation of change control

What it is and why we have it


Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



Subject area 8: Client relationship Management Strand (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Client enrolment

To outline what client enrolment entails in the Merchants environment

To highlight why it is essential to the success of a contract and of the operation itself

To provide practical steps in how to effectively enrol clients and create an ongoing relationship

What it is and why we do it


Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid


Standard reporting

To give an understanding of:

– what the major areas of standard
reporting are

– how to get hold of them and use them

– how to get help if needed

What it is and why we have it

The client file


Glossary of reports

Principles and rules


Client reporting

To have delegates understand the purpose of:

– contact reports

– RAG (Red, Amber, Green) reports

To provide delegates with guidelines for the successful production and use of client reports

What, who, when and why

Principles and rules


Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



Subject area 8: Client Relationship Management Strand (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Style of writing

For delegates to understand the basic principles of report writing ‘The Merchants Way’

The 90/90 rule

The three foundation stones




Planning your document

Suggested structure



'The Lowe and Jenks' exercise

Common pitfalls to avoid

Beware the spellchecker!

Proofreading tips


Managing client complaints

To brief on principles and procedures for managing client complaints

What is a complaint

Why clients complain

How to respond - the stance

How to respond - what to do

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid








Subject area 9: Financial Management

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Financial management overview

To give delegates an understanding of the area called ‘financial management’ of an account in Merchants and to ensure that the processes are understood and applied

Introduction to the module

How to do it

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



To be confirmed subject to review of recent MC training written by Judy Duck

To be confirmed



To provide delegates with an understanding of the allocations and revenue booking process

Introduction to the module

How to do it

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



To provide delegates with an understanding of the invoicing process

Introduction to the module

How to do it

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



To provide delegates with an understanding of the project expenses processes

Introduction to the module

How to do it

Practical exercise

Hints and tips, pitfalls to avoid



Subject area 10: Team Building & People Management

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Team Building Event

To celebrate achievements to date

To prepare for the next phases of the programme

Certificates and awards for the foundation programme

Orientation to the interpersonal and team building skills phase of the programme


Call centre management and coaching to lever skills

To enhance operational management skills so that delegates are in a better position to work with their team to achieve outstanding customer service

To develop coaching skills to ensure that delegates are able to identify issues and raise standards of performance

To give delegates the know-how and skill to identify ‘best practice’ over the telephone and to develop their capability to coach the team

Context for management

What is motivation?

Steps to effective problem solving



The anatomy of coaching

The mechanics of coaching

Principles of facilitation

Managing conflict

Decision making approaches and styles


Creating a call centre culture

To understand why our clients change their culture, what they want to change and how to do it

To understand the essential role of the manager in changing the culture and the personal development opportunities that it offers

Understanding culture

Identifying your highest value

Personal responsibility and barriers to its expression

Strategic implications to organisational change

Operational implications to organisational change

Drivers of stress


Orientation to life planning

To introduce delegates to the skill and methodology of life planning

Orientation to life planning

Introduction to life planning


Negotiation skills

To enable delegates to negotiate more effectively in a delivery context and environment

Principles of negotiation

Role play



Subject area 10: Team Building & People Management (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


State management

To enable delegates to reduce the levels of stress experienced at work and to manage their state accordingly

To enable delegates to maintain a positive and energised stance to the challenges of client operations

To identify potential and actual causes of stress at work enabling delegates to minimise their effect and maximise personal well-being

Understanding the causes of stress

Detecting stress indicators

Identifying drivers and working modes

Taking corrective action


Stance and Style

To look at an individuals stance, to clarify their own values and how their stance in business function comes from that

Individual stance

Merchants stance

Case studies


Communications Centre Tours

To enable delegates to deliver Comms Centre tours

Merchants strategic purpose

Case studies

How to use the tour within the sales process



Subject area 11: Advanced Management Skills

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Standard project management (Bob Yorke)

Introduction to Project Management

Introduction to Microsoft Project

What is project management

Basic project management skills

Introduction to Microsoft Project

How to use Microsoft Project


Advanced project management

Development on hold (this course will be developed by Gill Barstow and Bob Yorke)

Development on hold (this course will be developed by Gill Barstow and Bob Yorke)


Advanced personal effectiveness (APE)

To enable delegates to understand their current level of personal effectiveness and their self imposed limitations

To enable delegates to increase their level of personal effectiveness

Understanding self imposed limitations

Making things happen


Personal effectiveness


Commercial awareness

To increase commercial awareness and understanding so that delegates managing in the Communications Centre are able to view their activities and relate to the client from a commercial perspective as well as from an operational one

What are Merchants services?

What are Merchants USPs?

How does business work?

What drives business decisions?

What drives our clients to outsource?

Costings and profitability

How do Merchants market and sell services?

Account/case development - how does it work?

How to successfully manage operations in a risk reward/payment on results relationship


Databased marketing and management

To ensure that delegates managing databased marketing operations know the principles, science, practicalities and pitfalls of designing and managing databased marketing operations

Principles of databased marketing

Science of databased marketing

Practicalities of databased marketing

Pitfalls of databased marketing



Subject area 11: Advanced Management Skills (contd.)

Module number

Module name


Content Summary


Team Building skills - (Weekend)

To develop the working relationships within the team so that individuals experience being supported and the team achieves it’s goals/targets

To understand how to work in a team more effectively by building on each others strengths

To find out what each person brings to the team and how to work together


Motivational sayings/mottoes

Barriers and aspects of state management

Culture - the roundabout of life






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